Cointelligence Blog

  • Setting Up A Blockchain Domain

    Setting Up A Blockchain Domain

    Remember learning how to set up a website with your domain back in the early 90’s? Things were a little wonky and you felt like a toddler learning how to walk again? Well it’s time to get back in that mindset because today we are going to learn how to set up a .crypto and .zil blockchain domain with Unstoppable Domains!
  • Beam reboots DeFi - with Privacy

    Beam reboots DeFi - with Privacy

    Privacy coin Beam is preparing to undergo its second hardfork this week. This fork is being conducted as a consensus change and upgrade, and begins a foray into the rapidly-growing DeFi space - with one twist in the tale; another step in the continued evolution of Beam’s privacy fortress.
  • Blockchain and Marketing: Could 2key Network Provide an Improved Alternative to Google and FB Ad Networks?

    Blockchain and Marketing: Could 2key Network Provide an Improved Alternative to Google and FB Ad Networks?

    Launched in Mid-May 2020, 2key's PPC SmartLink solution is a prime example of a user-centric blockchain product. Conceived as an All-in-One DApp Marketing product, it merges the pros of PPC and Referral marketing, and eliminates a lot of their cons. Its technology even facilitates onboarding wallet-less users, reflecting 2key’s intention to be at the forefront of decentralized economy expansion.
  • BloxLive TV - Live Stream

    BloxLive TV - Live Stream, the world's first DLT & FinTech news network streaming around the clock. Breaking news, market analysis, and event coverage in this dynamic and revolutionary finance and technology marketplace.
  • Electroneum Report

    Electroneum Report

    A thoroughly research review of Electroneum. This report was commissioned by Electroneum Ltd. and fully paid for by Electroneum Ltd.
  • [Summary] Open Forum Series by Tagion: Web 3.0, Stablecoins, Open Finance

    [Summary] Open Forum Series by Tagion: Web 3.0, Stablecoins, Open Finance

    Tagion Open Forum series is initiated by Roxana Nasoi, Chief of Strategy at Tagion/i25s ApS. The series consists of live chats happening every 2 months in the Tagion Telegram Chat, with reputable guests and community members. The main purpose is to have quality conversations and understand what the pain points are, the solutions, and what can be improved in existing systems.
  • Can we trust the Ayton Family Office?

    Can we trust the Ayton Family Office?

    It has become common knowledge in certain circles that Nick Ayton – patriarch of the Ayton family and the managing director of a company that defrauded pension savers out of millions of pounds, all whilst holding a made up MBA and questionable work history.
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